The French MistralAI has released a beta version of its chatbot, Elon Musk sued OpenAI, and Google has more troubles. What else did we live through last week?
Elon Musk in a lawsuit against OpenAI and Sam Altman argues that the merger with Microsoft was a betrayal of the company's mission in pursuit of profit.
According to the latest forecasts from ABI Research, the augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) technology sector is on the verge of a revolution - by 2028, the number of AR/VR sets delivered is expected to increase more than fivefold, reaching 69 million units.
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AI is being utilized in job search processes, including the creation of CVs and cover letters. Tools like Kickresume, Rezi, Skillroads, and ChatGPT can analyze job descriptions and generate personalized application materials.
AI tools such as Pyjama Jobs, Jobbli, Jobscan, and Talentprise are used to streamline job selection by providing personalized job offer recommendations based on specific requirements, eliminating human biases.
AI platforms may operate on data from a strictly defined time range, so it's important to ensure that the application draws information from current sources.
AI is used in recruitment to simulate job interviews and provide feedback on candidates' responses, body language, eye contact, and speech clarity. HireVue is a popular tool for this purpose.
AI is also used for skills assessment and career counseling, evaluating a candidate's experience, identifying skill gaps, and weaknesses in their CV. Tools like Kickresume and LinkedIn offer AI-based career counseling services.
AI in recruitment: personalization of CV and cover letter
A CV and cover letter (though the latter is definitely less common) are absolute basics in the job search process. These documents must be visually attractive to stand out among dozens of similar applications, and at the same time concise and thoughtful enough for recruiters to spot key information at first glance. And AI can help with this.
Tools such as Kickresume, Rezi, Skillroads or ChatGPT can precisely analyze job descriptions and based on this generate personalized CVs and cover letters tailored to specific positions or employers. These tools also eliminate inaccuracies associated with creating application materials, ensuring that your key skills and experiences are in line with job requirements and properly highlighted.
If you want to learn about good practices when using AI-based CV generators, we encourage you to read the text below.
Browsing through hundreds of job offers on recruitment portals, LinkedIn or Facebook groups can be an overwhelming and time-consuming task. However, artificial intelligence can streamline this process.
Tools such as Pyjama Jobs, Jobbli, Jobscan or Talentprise can provide personalized job offer recommendations based on your specific requirements regarding, for example, salary level, experience level or even preferred organizational culture. These apps also eliminate natural human biases towards positions and ensure accurate matching of candidates to positions.
It should be remembered that some AI-based platforms operate on data from a strictly defined time range. Therefore, before starting to use them, it is worth making sure that the application draws information from current sources.
Job interview is a very stressful experience for many people. However, it is hard to imagine the whole job search process without it. Fortunately, you can fight stress by preparing for as many possible scenarios as possible.
Platforms for virtual job interviews based on artificial intelligence can simulate such scenarios. Thanks to this, candidates are able not only to practice answers to a series of likely questions in comfortable conditions, but also to receive constructive feedback on their body language, eye contact or clarity of speech.
The most popular tool for simulated job interviews is HireVue, used by companies such as Unilever, Vodafone, PwC or Oracle.
AI in recruitment: skills assessment and career counseling
In a rapidly changing job market, the key issue remains flexibility and adaptability. AI tools can also be helpful in assessing your experience and identifying any potential gaps in skills and weaknesses in your CV.
Based on this, you will be able to make informed decisions about improving qualifications or choosing a different career path, and as a result - increase your competitiveness in the job market. At the same time, many tools such as the mentioned Kickresume or LinkedInoffer AI-based career counseling services, where you can get valuable tips on the next steps towards achieving professional goals.
Editor-in-chief of Digitized. He has been associated with journalism for almost a third of his life; he worked for the Polish editions of Playboy, CKM and Esquire magazines, as well as and services. In his texts, he tries to understand reality and describe it objectively. He remains skeptical about many phenomena, but is not afraid to admit a mistake and change his mind. A native of Warsaw. Privately, he is a seeker of sense in nonsense and order amidst entropy. He likes wise words.
The latest "KPMG CEO Outlook" study shows that 68% of CEOs in Poland consider AI to be a key investment, appreciating its potential in personalizing services. However, the challenge remains the lack of legal regulations for genAI, which raises concerns about the future of this technology.
Motivating employees is not only an art, but also a big challenge, which carries key importance for the success of any organization. How to do it well?
The results of this year's "Reskilling through the eyes of Poles" study show that over half of the working respondents aged 30-59 are considering changing industries. Every second person in this group is considering taking up work in the IT sector, with women declaring their desire to enter this career path more often than men.
Lejek sprzedażowy (lub zakupowy) to jeden z najpopularniejszych modeli marketingowych, ilustrujących proces, przez który potencjalny klient przechodzi od pierwszego kontaktu z produktem do momentu dokonania zakupu. Czy jednak współcześnie ma on jeszcze zastosowanie praktyczne?
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