The French MistralAI has released a beta version of its chatbot, Elon Musk sued OpenAI, and Google has more troubles. What else did we live through last week?
Elon Musk in a lawsuit against OpenAI and Sam Altman argues that the merger with Microsoft was a betrayal of the company's mission in pursuit of profit.
According to the latest forecasts from ABI Research, the augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) technology sector is on the verge of a revolution - by 2028, the number of AR/VR sets delivered is expected to increase more than fivefold, reaching 69 million units.
Week in review 6-12 September: VPNs violate GDPR. Is online data security a myth?
Further reports published by independent institutions make it increasingly difficult to believe in the security of data on the network. However, awareness of certain threats allows you to protect yourself against them. You can read more on this topic in the latest weekly review by the Digitized editorial team.
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Eight out of ten VPN service providers track user activity with cookies without user knowledge, according to PrivacyTutor. The average global cost of a data breach between March 2022 and March 2023 was $4.45 million, as per IBM Security's study.
The Polish e-commerce market is dominated by the local marketplace Allegro, with growth also driven by stationary stores starting internet sales. The Polish start-up VUMO is offering tools for remote inspections and safe purchase of used cars in the USA.
The Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) region has seen a drop in venture capital funding in the last quarter of 2023 due to increased uncertainty in financial markets. Poland lags behind most European countries in terms of 5G network readiness.
76% of VPN services collect user activity information through cookies and share it with external entities. The VPN service iTop VPN reportedly has seventeen tracking modules embedded in its application code.
The EU Act on Artificial Intelligence (AI Act) is being finalized, aiming to identify and categorize threats related to AI technology. Elon Musk's company, X, plans to use publicly available user data to train AI.
Only 40% of respondents feel comfortable sharing personal problems at work in Poland, according to a study by
38.2% of respondents consider adherence to environmental standards as the most crucial criterion for assessing brands' authenticity in protecting the planet, as per a study by SW Research.
Generation Z is creating a new trend of imperfection on social media, known as "rat girl".
Japan launched its Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) mission on September 7, 2023, aiming to become the fifth country to achieve a "soft" landing on the moon.
Meta is contemplating introducing paid, ad-free versions of Facebook and Instagram in Europe in response to the EU's Digital Services Act.
The world is generating 328.77 million terabytes of data daily, leading to a growing need for data stewards.
Marta Karczewicz, a scientist known for her work on video compression, has significantly contributed to the ability to use platforms like Netflix, Teams, and Zoom.
The annual Apple conference took place in September, where new iPhone models and iOS updates were unveiled.
Virtual Reality (VR) technology is being used in therapeutic processes, education, and job training. The VCC Foundation has developed VR training for twenty qualifications in the Polish labor market.
Digitized has launched a series called the Digitized Reading Room, publishing excerpts from notable books related to business, technology, sociology, and science every other Sunday.
From the Editorial Team
Successive reports published by independent institutions make it increasingly difficult to believe in the safety of data on the network. As a result of the analysis by PrivacyTutor, eight out of ten VPN service providers track the activity of their users with cookies - without their knowledge. Meanwhile, according to this year's IBM Security study, the average global cost of a data breach between March 2022 and March 2023 was $4.45 million. This is the highest result in the eighteen-year history of the IBM report.
And then there are social media. The essence of their operation is to collect as much data as possible about people using these platforms in order to increase their engagement in content and monetize behavior patterns. You can read about the dire social consequences of such a business model in the Digitized Editorial recommends section, where we have included a fragment of Max Fisher's new book titled In the Gears of Chaos. How social media reprogrammed our minds and our world.
Review of the week's news
Business in Poland and around the world
Good situation of the Polish e-commerce industry. What do we owe it to?
The Polish e-commerce market is still unsaturated and is still in the development phase. It has been dominated by a large, local marketplace in the form of Allegro, but global giants are still trying to make their mark on it. However, it is not only the largest that determine the strength of the growth of Polish online trade today. Since the pandemic, we see that on a massive scale, internet sales are also being started by stationary stores and it is this factor that will drive demand in the e-commerce market in Poland in the coming years - according to the Technavio report.
110 billion PLN of investments within the Polish Investment Zone
Since 2018, within the Polish Investment Zone, companies have declared the creation of over 45.5 thousand jobs, and the value of all investments amounted to 109.5 billion PLN - reported the Ministry of Development and Technology.
Polish start-up VUMO revolutionizes car trade in the USA
The tools offered by the company enable remote inspections and safe purchase of a used car without the need for physical presence in the store. VUMO started its activity from the American market, because the niche in which it specializes, does not yet function in Poland.
Declines in VC fund investments in Central and Eastern Europe
According to the latest Vestbee report, a platform for startups, investment funds, and accelerators, venture capital funding in the CEE region has clearly dropped in the last quarter of 2023. This trend is thus part of a global slowdown in investment. The main reasons for this situation are: increased uncertainty in financial markets, difficult economic situation, and a reduced share of foreign investors in regional funding rounds.
Internet development in Poland
5G network. Poland still behind Europe - despite significant progress
Poland is one of the countries with the fastest growing readiness to introduce 5G - according to the latest Kearney 2023 5G Readiness Index report. Within a year, it has improved 5G penetration threefold. Despite this, it still ranks behind most European countries and has one of the worst 5G networks in the Central and Eastern Europe region in terms of download and upload speeds.
1.5 billion PLN for fast internet. The Ministry of Digitization will allocate additional funds
From September 4 to October 4, there is a call for applications for co-financing the construction of fast internet. The budget is almost 1.5 billion PLN, 200 million PLN more than in the first competition. In addition, beneficiaries will be able to count on indexation of co-financing without meeting additional conditions - assures the Ministry of Digitization in official announcements.
Data security and privacy online
VPN and GDPR. 8 out of 10 applications violate user privacy
As many as 76% of VPN services collect information about their users' activity through cookies and then share it with external entities, according to the latest study by PrivacyTutor. According to the authors of the report, some providers embed tracking modules directly in the application code, and the dubious record holder, iTop VPN, is said to have as many as seventeen. Just over 8% of tools do not use any trackers.
IBM Security Report: Data breach costs highest in history
The report IBM Security from 2023year showed, that 95% of surveyed organizations from March 2022 to March 2023 fell victim to more than one data breach. At the same time, 57% of attacked companies shifted the costs of these incidents onto consumers, and only 51% - increased investments in security. In all surveyed industries, the most frequently violated and at the same time the most costly type of information were customers' personal data.
EU AI Act in conflict with GDPR regulations?
Work is underway on the final content of the EU Act on Artificial Intelligence (AI Act), the main purpose of which is to identify and divide threats related to the spreading AI technology. However, as indicated by the report published by the Working Group on Artificial Intelligence (GRAI) operating at the Ministry of Digitization, the AI Act regulations may potentially affect other legal acts - including the GDPR.
Elon Musk wants to use X user data to train AI
Owned by Elon Musk X will use publicly available user data to train artificial intelligence, according to the new privacy policy provisions of the service. The billionaire confirmed these reports in a post published on X, where he assures that AI will only use publicly available information. Messages and private data are supposed to be safe.
Work culture
Mental crisis at work. Polish companies still poorly support their employees
The workplace is still a space for Poles where they talk about personal problems to a limited extent, especially those related to mental health - a study conducted by showed. Only 40% of surveyed people confirm that they can openly share private problems at work. Even fewer, because 28% of respondents, talk to colleagues about such issues.
Marketing and communication
Ecological communication of brands is not enough. Consumers expect concrete evidence
A study conducted by SW Research found that 38.2% of respondents considered adherence to environmental standards as the most important criterion for assessing the authenticity of brands' activities for the protection of the planet. For 37.1% of respondents, such a determinant are environmental certificates, and for 35% of people - sustainable production. The communication of pro-environmental actions performed worst in the study. Only 13.8% of respondents consider it effective, and only 6.4% - honest. Meanwhile, over 40% of respondents rate it as unbelievable.
Representatives of Generation Z are increasingly fighting on social media with the vision of a perfect life, they are becoming more spontaneous and creating a new kind of imperfection, contained in the new trend on rat girl. Why brands shouldn't ignore it?
Japan joins the race to the Moon
On Thursday, September 7, 2023, the space mission of the Japanese lander SLIM (Smart Lander for Investigating Moon) began, which is to attempt to land on the Moon. Japan thus has a chance to be the fifth country in the world to conduct a "soft" landing on the Silver Globe. So far, only the USA, USSR, China, and India have succeeded. The SLIM lander is expected to achieve the goal of its mission in early 2024.
Meta considers introducing paid versions of Facebook and Instagram in Europe
Meta is considering introducing paid versions of Facebook and Instagram in Europe, in which ads would be removed - Reuters reports. The company is testing ad-free versions of its apps in response to the EU's Digital Services Act. The cost of subscription and potential launch date have not yet been confirmed by the company. The Meta subscription service was proposed in response to the European Union's Digital Services Act, which comes into effect on January 1, 2024.
Digitized Editorial recommends
How to save a probe from explosion, or why do companies need data stewards?
As reported by the ExplodingTopics portal, the world is growing by 328.77 million terabytes of data every day, which gives 120 zettabytes annually. The prefix "zetta" means a trillion bytes. One trillion is approximately the number of all grains of sand on Earth. All these data are stored and processed by companies, organizations and other entities that try to extract as much useful information from them as possible. However, the main challenge now is to organize the data and apply appropriate rules in managing them. This is what a data steward does.
– A data steward is a person who supports researchers in all matters related to data management and sharing. He is also responsible for implementing data usage and security policies within the framework of data management initiatives – explains Magdalena Szuflita-Żurawska, Leader of the Open Science Competence Center at the Gdańsk University of Technology.
Marta Karczewicz. Scientist of the future and everyday life
There are many people who have achieved nothing special, and yet they are on everyone's lips. There is also a second group, probably larger, although it is difficult to estimate - those who are not known to the general public, but should be.
The name of Marta Karczewicz appeared in the media around 2019, when she was nominated for the prestigious European Inventor Award as one of the three finalists in the "Lifetime Achievement" category, for her work on video compression. Then we learned that we owe the ability to use Netflix, Teams or Zoom to the scientist born in Szczecin. Thanks to her achievements, we are able to send movies and data, as well as communicate via video calls with people in any location.
Everything that requires the transmission of a huge amount of data is associated with the work and discoveries of Marta Karczewicz. Billions of people use them every day. Billions, not millions. Impressive, isn't it?
Broadcast of the annual Apple Event and the premiere of iPhone 15
Every September, the eyes of the entire technology industry are turned in one direction - the next Apple conference, where the Cupertino giant usually presents new versions of the iPhone and the iOS operating system. This year was no different. Below you will find the full broadcast of the event, which took place on September 12 at 19:00 Polish time.
Not just gaming. VR technology is storming into other industries
VR technology is associated with video games, but it is penetrating more and more areas of life. VR supports therapeutic processes and makes education attractive even for school-bored youth. The list of applications of this technology seems to have no end and is constantly growing.
Let's look at the VCC Foundation, which has developed and implemented twenty qualifications sought in the Polish labor market. It enabled three industries (construction, gastronomy, and 3D printing) to conduct and reproduce the entire training process and analyze any errors in VR. In the not too distant future, technology may allow for remote exams and confirmation of acquired qualifications.
An example can also be InventionMed, a Polish company from the tech segment, which creates medical simulators for education in the field of clinical and aesthetic dermatology. One of them allows for the necessary actions in the treatment of skin problems, while another simulates clinical procedures, varied by cases of various complications. We must not forget about the startup Unicorn VR World, which has created a game supporting children with special educational needs. In virtual reality, a safe world can be created in which, under the supervision of a therapist, work is done on developing the child's cognitive, social or personal competences.
Digitized Reading Room: Max Fisher, "In the gears of chaos...", Szczeliny Publishing House
At Digitized, we strive to support not only reliable journalism, but also - readership. That's why we've created a separate series called Digitized Reading Room. As part of it, every other Sunday we will publish excerpts from noteworthy books related to business, technology, sociology, science and related fields.
The position opening our cycle is a book by American journalist Max Fisher titled In the gears of chaos. How social media reprogrammed our minds and our world. Fisher, nominated for the Pulitzer Prize for his insightful analysis of the impact of social media on the world, analyzes in it the increasingly active and extensive actions of political movements on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Reddit or Twitter and describes how algorithms designed to maximize profit and time spent on the portal systematically promote extreme content that provokes moral outrage and builds communities on a sense of threat.
We publish an excerpt from the book by Max Fisher, an investigative reporter and columnist in the foreign department of the "New York Times", courtesy of Szczeliny Publishing House. The translation was prepared by Mateusz Borowski.
Among the most powerful business angels were the co-founders of PayPal, including Peter Thiel, an extreme conservative who did not value diversity and claimed that the best people to run start-ups are antisocial hackers "with interpersonal skills at the level of an Asperger's team". The founders of PayPal advocated extreme liberalism. They believed in social Darwinism, did not trust the government, and were convinced of the superior wisdom of business. Thiel took these views to the extreme when in 2009 he announced: "I do not believe that democracy goes hand in hand with freedom". The care of society should not be entrusted to the "mindless demos that manages so-called social democracy", he wrote, using a Greek term that means citizens. Freedom can only be guaranteed by "companies like Facebook", and that's provided they free themselves from "politics", i.e. from all regulations, public accountability and probably also the law.
Editor-in-chief of Digitized. He has been associated with journalism for almost a third of his life; he worked for the Polish editions of Playboy, CKM and Esquire magazines, as well as and services. In his texts, he tries to understand reality and describe it objectively. He remains skeptical about many phenomena, but is not afraid to admit a mistake and change his mind. A native of Warsaw. Privately, he is a seeker of sense in nonsense and order amidst entropy. He likes wise words.
Elon Musk in a lawsuit against OpenAI and Sam Altman argues that the merger with Microsoft was a betrayal of the company's mission in pursuit of profit.
According to the latest forecasts from ABI Research, the augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) technology sector is on the verge of a revolution - by 2028, the number of AR/VR sets delivered is expected to increase more than fivefold, reaching 69 million units.
The AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, as one of the few institutions in Poland, has obtained permission from the Office of Electronic Communications to launch its own 5G network. The aim was to create an innovative base for conducting research on this technology and the services associated with it.
As the only company in the world, it is able to produce processors in the most advanced 3 nm technology. In addition, it owns the most expensive factory ever built, and its clients are Apple, NVIDIA and Intel. How did it happen that Taiwanese TSMC became one of the most important companies in the world?
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